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Barton, J. (2020)
Dr John Barton
About the publication
The Addis Thermo Pot uses electricity to boil, and then maintain, the temperature of hot water for instant availability in drinks and in cooking. The user selects the maintenance temperature of 40°C, 50°C, 60°C, 85°C or 98°C. When boiling, the power demand is 680W. When keeping warm, the Thermo Pot cycles between 2W and 100W. Its power demand is therefore substantially lower than a conventional kettle. The Thermo Pot is double walled to reduce heat loss rate and reduce the energy demand when maintaining a temperature.
In the context of the MECS project, the Thermo Pot may provide a means of slowly pre-heating hot water during the day, thereby storing energy as heat, and relieving the energy demanded from a battery. In the cooking diaries, a substantial number of heating events are only for hot water, and pre-heated hot water would be beneficial to reduce the cooking times of many foods.